That's right! I said it! I'm finally cracking on the weather!
It is super hot and humid down here, and it's just getting started! Most days are about 90°F (approx. 32°C) and it usually feels like 95°F (35°C) to 100°F (37°C) which is, well, too darn hot!
Although don't get me wrong, on my days off and lying by the pool or just hanging out, I absolutely love it, bring on the heat! But when you are wearing a costume that involves black polyester pants and a heavy cotton long sleeve shirt that buttons all the way up to your neck, it gets a It can be very difficult to focus and concentrate in this heat! To make up for the heat though, it rains/thunderstorms/torrential down pours almost everyday usually around 3pm...which sometimes helps by cooling things off or makes it worse and the weather becomes 10 times more humid.
As you can see my Le Cellier costume is quite a lovely thing to wear
on a hot summer day in Florida.
On another note, I've been thinking a lot about acting lately. I think it's because usually around this time of year I am doing shows back in my hometown. And now that I am down here, there is not much opportunity or time to be acting or trying to be in shows. I'm really missing it, I just want to do something...which so far is just reading scripts. I've been thinking about performing so much that I decided to write a blog because I started singing "Too Darn Hot" from Kiss Me Kate.
I would also like to link the video of "Too Darn Hot" because the dancing in this is phenomenal. I only wish I could dance like Ann Miller.
Hope you enjoyed that little number and learn't something interesting about the weather in Florida.
Until next time!
"The very things that hold you down
are going to lift you up."
-Timothy Mouse, Dumbo